the Child While many people recognize gifted children as those who excel in language arts and mathematics, the identification of students with potential or demonstrated talent in the arts has been included in federally legislated definitions of giftedness or talent since 1972 (Marland, 1972). In its definition of the gifted and talented the government specifies that these children are to be identified by professionally qualified persons as being capable of high performance in the visual arts. Unfortunately, neither "high performance" nor "qualified persons" are easily defined. The recent report from the U.S. Department of Education, National Excellence: A Case for Developing America's Talent (1993), includes the following definition of students with outstanding talent. "Children and youth with outstanding talent perform or show the potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience or environment. These children and youth exhibit high performance capability in intellectual, creative, and/or artistic areas, possess an unusual leadership capacity, or excel in specific academic fields. They require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the schools." Once again, "high performance" is not defined. In an effort to clarify what "high performance" means when speaking of children with outstanding talent in the visual arts this web page presents the findings of research on the behavioral traits and characteristics of visually gifted children's artwork, and on the artistic perceptual/cognitive processes of talented students in the arts. |
A study conducted by Marion Porath, addressed the question of the ways in which gifted young artists are the same as or different from their average peers by investigating artistic ability from a developmental perspective. Children in the study produced drawing which were judged by three practicing artists who are also art educators. The judges based their determination of the outstanding pieces of artwork on the following characteristics:
A thirteen year old's wire sculpture uses simplicity of line to express movement. |
In her report Porath also included the findings of research conducted by other researchers. Those studies showed that age-related trends were apparent in the central spatial structures used by young gifted artists, and developmental patterns also were evident in color use, composition, and core elements in human figure drawing. Artistic giftedness includes qualitative differences from the norm, such as: expressive use of line and shape, originality in composition, and sensitivity to line and color. Gifted young artists may demonstrate accelerated ability to deal with perspective. Depicting perspective and artistic abilities appear to be different from spatial problem solving abilities. Some children gifted in the visual arts demonstrate advanced development, while most attain new levels of development at approximately the same time as average children, but apply their new capabilities more flexibly, extensively, and deeply. Elaboration and accomplished technique (tonal development, representation of movement) and visual maturity, or detailed representation of objects, were qualities demonstrated by young visually gifted children which are typical of older children or adolescents. Gifted child artists can demonstrate their talents in different ways, and it is important to realize that not every product they produce will be outstanding. The use of multiple criteria for identifying gifted children is important because students of different ages and backgrounds may respond differently to artistic tasks. |
who identify gifted children using Renzulli's "Three-Ring Conception
of Characteristics of the Visually Gifted Two sets of characteristics are associated with visually talented children: behavioral traits and characteristics of their artwork. It is not likely that a child will have all of the characteristics listed below, but a child who possesses special talent in art will probably exhibit many or even most of them. |
Behavioral Traits
Talent is evidenced at an early age, usually through drawing. This almost five year old's attention to detail and use of mixed media is unusual in a child so young. |
Characteristics of the Artwork
Note: Giftedness need not be demonstrated in every product for a child to be identified as visually gifted. |
Students with artistic talent exhibit above average ability in the following artistic perceptual/cognitive processes: |
Artistic Thinking Skills
A thirteen year old's drawing of a model from life in a figure drawing class shows an understanding of proportion and the relation of wholes to parts. |
References: Haroutounian,
Joanne (1995) Talent Identification and Development in the Arts: An
Artistic/Educational Dialogue. Roeper Review, Dec95, Vol. 18, Issue
2 Hurwitz, Al (1983) The Gifted and Talented in Art: A Guide to Program Planning. Davis Publications, Worcestor, MA Porath, Marion (1993) Gifted Young Artists: Developmental and Individual Differences, Roeper Review, Sep93, Vol. 16, Issue 1 Renzulli, Joseph S. (1998) The Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness available online: ©2004 Mary Codd, all rights reserved |